At the start of this new year, we’re excited to share the 2024 stake vision. This vision is the result of much prayer and inspiration from our stake leaders. We’re hopeful that focusing on these stake initiatives will bless our stake members with purpose, unity, and many meaningful opportunities to more fully engage in the work of the Lord.


Gathered More Closely to the Savior

Anytime you do anything that helps anyone - on either side of the veil - take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that.” - President Russell M. Nelson


“Name | Next Ordinance”

“What is the next ordinance that is needed in the life of this individual or this family and in what ways can we assist the preparation?” - Elder David A. Bednar


  1. Receive, Live, and Love our Covenants

  2. Gather Israel

  3. Strengthen the Rising Generation

1. Receive, Live, and Love Our Covenants

To teach, minister, and serve our families, wards, and communities in a way that lovingly encourages sustained, paced progress in binding ourselves more closely to the Savior through receiving priesthood ordinances and living and loving our covenants.

2. Gather Israel

To express love to our friends and neighbors, find opportunities to share gospel content and messages, and invite friends and neighbors to ward and stake activities and gatherings and to progress on the covenant path.

3. Strengthen the Rising Generation

To strengthen the faith of children, youth, and young single adults in Jesus Christ, and help them desire and obtain the blessings of the ordinances and covenants of the Gospel.